
Health Goals for the New Year & Tips on Staying Consistent

Jan 23, 2023
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Most people have the mentality of eating healthy and exercising once the holiday season is over. They stay pretty consistent in January, but then February comes along and the new health habits do not transfer. Keep reading to gain tips on staying on track.

It is common goal to have healthy habits during the new year. Some of these healthy habits consist of eating healthy, getting daily exercise, and annual doctor visits. 

To stay consistent with healthy eating and exercise, it is crucial to set goals that are measurable and attainable. For example, "I want to lose 15 pounds by April" is much more measurable than the goal "I want to lose weight this year." It is also imperative that the goals are attainable. For example, if you are trying to change your diet you need to make it as easy as possible for yourself. If you are trying to eat less sugar and proccessed foods then do not keep those foods in your home.

If you have not exercised in years, do not start with an intense 60- minute workout plan. This can be daunting and you end up not working out at all. Instead, start with 20-minute walks and slowly increase the intensity of your workouts over time. 20-30 minutes of daily exercise is all you need to keep your heart happy. The power of small changes over time can lead to big success. 

Scheduling your annual doctor visits at the start of the new year is an effective way to make sure your health needs are being met. Whether it is preventative care, or treatment it is important to follow up with your physician. When it comes to heart health, a coronary calcium scan and blood glucose test are great preventative tests. Make an appointment with our cardiologist today, so you can take control of your health this year!